Accomplice to Treason!

I want to start this article with two definitions, courtesy of

The first is accomplice, which defined is “a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing, often as a subordinate.”

The second definition is treason, which means: “The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

Isn’t it amazing how definitions so eloquently describe exactly what is going on at our nation’s borders?

Allow me to introduce you to the sycophantic and treasonous accomplice to Alejandro Mayorkas “our” very own Tucson Sector Deputy Chief De La Torre.

He is, by definition of an accomplice, a SUBORDINATE of Mayorkas. He is, by definition of same word, KNOWINGLY helping in the commission of a crime. The crime of treason!

De La Torre spent a record 3 hours gaslighting and lying for Mayorkas and the Biden Administration. This is unprecedented, by the way.

Since this lackey of Mayorkas had 3 hours to lie, it’s too many to itemize in just one article. However, we will focus on a few egregious lies.

First, he lies that he is “so proud” of Border Patrol Agents! He knows full well agents are quitting, retiring, or committing suicide at record numbers! Morale is at record lows because agents are being asked to do things that violate the oath that they took when they joined!

Agents are being asked to, by definition of the word treason, BETRAY the TRUST and CONFIDENCE of the American people. Agents have to follow direct orders, although they are unlawful, or risk losing their jobs. So now you’re proud of them?

Agents have been used as pawns by this administration, including by De La Torre, for the sake of gaining favor by the American public. Americans know this is treason, but they wouldn’t dare criticize this administration if we remind them that agents are trying hard, right?

Second, De La Torre knows full well that this treasonous administration has done nothing about the open borders for 1266 days! So why does he claim only one year? Record numbers of illegal alien entries for 1266 days, not one year!

Last, De La Torre knows that he is not allowed to politicize the Border Patrol or stump for a political party. He is in clear violation of the Hatch Act! As an agent, I couldn’t say what I am able to say now that I’m retired because of this law.

Unfortunately for Mayorkas and sycophants like De La Torre, I’m unleashed! De La Torre is knowingly violating the Hatch Act by touting Biden’s, so called, strict new policy. De La Torre claims we are “only” catching 400 a day.

However, how about the CBP One App? How many are being encountered daily through the app? Do we have numbers? How many are being denied, if any on the app? How many of the “only 400 daily” are being denied? Funny how those numbers don’t get released! The only thing released is illegal aliens!

De La Torre, and many like him in the CBP leadership, are accomplices to treason, and I (for one) am calling him out!

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