A Low Class People

Court jester clip art, vintage

Was this title click bait for you? We shall see! However, before the other contributors to this site have a heart attack, allow me to explain. A low class person does not refer to any race, nor does it refer to any socioeconomic class.

A low class people refers to any race and any socioeconomic class of person that acts like an idiot. The Biden Administration, however, with the leadership of Alejandro Mayorkas is letting them in at an astronomical rate.

Obviously, not everyone coming into this country fits this description, nonetheless, there are millions that are coming in that are low class people. The fact that they are not properly vetted or admitted contributes to this degradation of our society.

The murders, rapes, and every crime imaginable by these people are just the obvious traits of a low class people. There are so many more that don’t rise to the levels of a crime but they are still low class traits. We have plenty of low class people; we don’t need to import any more!

The other day, for instance, I was grocery shopping at the local grocery store. I encountered 4 illegal aliens that were doing the same. However, they were yelling in Spanish and laughing very riotously. They were obnoxious enough that older couples and solo females quickly left the area.

The illegal aliens were pushing the shopping cart uncontrollably from one side of the aisle to the other and watching it crash. They’d laugh and carry on. The cart rolled to my side as I was walking by, and I kicked it with all my might right back to where they were standing.

The illegal aliens stopped laughing and yelling. I won’t disclose what transpired, but I will say that it did not end well for them. One part of our interaction, however, did include an admonishing tongue lashing of their expected comportment while in this country.

This is not their country, not their concern, and they certainly don’t feel any obligation to act like decent human beings. These low class people are the same kinds that snuck in (without paying) into an international soccer game (Gold Cup) in Miami. 

Despite not paying, they started fights, trashed the place, and behaved unruly. Sound familiar?

Nothing will ever change because that is what they are! Whether it is a grocery store, a paid venue, or this country in general; they will trash the place.

My brother told me that he and his wife went to a concert. The recording artist that they were watching is relatively famous and has 4 or 5 hits throughout Latin America. My brother described it as a great presentation because the artist would talk and offer insight on the song before singing it.

However, he said it was ruined because of a bunch of low class illegal aliens screaming for the artist to sing his most famous song. This artist was, of course, going to sing that song but for the grand finale. 

These low class people demanded he sing the song they wanted and right now! They were yelling over the words of the artist as he talked. The artist had to stop talking on several occasions.

My brother said that as they were filing out of the concert, after its conclusion, that many of the predominantly Hispanic concert goers were saying out loud, “What a low class bunch of people!”

Low class people exist in every single race and socioeconomic class, but never in our nation’s history have we purposely imported them into our society. 

If you think these people will integrate, assimilate, or blend in without a glitch then you are sadly mistaken. If you don’t see their low class behavior in a grocery store or paid venue near you, give it time.

Maybe you’re a liberal and have no problem with the way they are “expressing themselves”. If that’s the case, then you are in the same class!

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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