Biden’s Acting ICE Chief Says Some Blue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Are Getting Sick Of Releasing Criminal Illegal Migrants

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July 20, 20243:40 PM ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director P.J. Lechleitner said in an interview that some cities are regretting releasing detained migrant criminals and seeking to change “sanctuary” policies, according to NBC News.

Many left-leaning cities and counties have avoided working with ICE in recent years, at times leading to the releasing illegal migrants who are charged with violent crimes, NBC News reported. However, Lecheitner stated that some blue cities are looking to change course and.

Democrat-led cities’ lack of cooperation stems from the fact that jurisdictions are concerned that reporting to ICE could inhibit criminal investigations, according to NBC News. The progressive leadership has argued that migrants would be afraid to report crimes to the police in fear of getting deported.

“For many, many years, certain states and jurisdictions just have been really reticent about dealing with us because of the civil immigration piece of it,” Lechleitner told NBC News.

Lechleitner said that ICE has been pushing for better cooperation with blue cities for years. 

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