Help Wanted: Shadow Government Seeking Puppet!

Apparently, Kamala Harris wants to be the next puppet up as the prospective leader of this shadow government. You know it and I know it’s a shadow. Biden has not been able to string a coherent sentence together since 2020. So, who’s been running this country?

The sycophantic media, the democrat party, and Biden himself have lied to the American people about his mental capacity to run this country. Are you telling me NOW people on the left are waking up to Biden’s inability to continue?

Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States of America did not know about this man’s cognitive inabilities? We can only conclude two facts: 1) she is completely clueless or 2) she lied! I, for one, believe 1 and 2.

Kamala Harris, as Vice President, is expected to do very little. She was tasked with ONE job to set her up as the future of the democrat party. Biden appointed her as Border Czar. Remember that appointment? I know I remember!

She has not done a single action, a single implementation of any plan, or not even a single proposal. Please, someone enlighten me if I’m wrong.

She has had ample opportunity to showcase her talents, yet 1300 days of an open border later, still no action. She lied in a nationally televised interview and claimed, “We have been to the border”.

Kamala Harris was pressed and told that she had not been to the border. She had a deer in the headlights look and famously quipped, “I haven’t been to Europe either.”

After this disastrous interview, Kamala Harris finally went to El Paso, Texas. At the time, El Paso was experiencing virtually zero entries per day. She conveniently avoided the Del Rio Sector of the border, which was ripping apart at the seams!

We do not need manufactured good optics, avoidance, lies, or inaction when it comes to border issues. We need a leader that will take the helm and tackle these issues without strings being pulled by someone hiding in the shadows.

Whoever is running this Biden shadow government is licking its chops at a clueless Kamala Harris. She meets all the qualifications of inaction, incompetence, and deception!

The one thing the puppet Harris will do right, or be told to do, is retain Alejandro Mayorkas as DHS Secretary! There is no better man to continue the job of purposely destroying this country!

Please remember that Kamala Harris had ONE job as Border Czar, and yet not ONE result! In fact, not ONE action! So, what makes anyone think she can multi task and run the greatest nation on this earth?

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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