How many child sex offenders are hiding among illegal aliens?

JULY 25, 2024

A bombshell report from Maryland found nearly 10% of defendants charged with sexual offenses against children in Baltimore County were illegal immigrants from Central America.

For years, liberal think tanks and media figures scoffed at the mere suggestion of many dangerous illegal aliens living in this country. They claimed absurdly that those who cross the border illegally are family-loving hard workers who commit crimes at a much lower rate than native Americans. A new reportfrom Fox45 Baltimore reveals that one county has a shockingly disproportionate number of illegal alien child sex offenders, raising the question: How bad is the illegal alien sex offender problem nationwide?

We’ve seen many high-profile illegal alien rape and murder cases in recent months. Now, a new report from Baltimore County provides concrete data behind the anecdotal evidence of an epidemic of illegal alien sex offenses.

Child rape is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. But when committed by invaders who don’t belong here, it is also the most avoidable crime.

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