Space Alien Versus Illegal Alien

Big eyes alien portrait illustration

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which was enacted into law by people that “we the people” put into office is the authority that governs all things related to immigration.

The INA was derived from the U.S. Constitution, which is the authority where all laws originate in a Constitutional Republic. The Constitution gives the American people certain inalienable rights that come from the ultimate authority, which is the Almighty God!

Now that I’ve set the foundation, let me affirm that the INA refers to people that are not legally in this country as illegal aliens. It does not refer to them as “migrants,” “undocumented citizens,” or any other word that people use to minimize a crime.

If you violate the INA, in regard to whom is considered a legal citizen, you are by the letter of the law an illegal alien. You don’t have to like it, but that is the law. If it bothers you, then you and your people can change the law. Until then, we the people have spoken.

However, don’t you dare try to arbitrarily change the law and its legality because you happen to be offended or don’t agree with it. Don’t try to rationalize millions upon millions of law breakers by playing with words.

An active Border Patrol agent recently advised me that a Supervisory Border Patrol agent from a California Border Patrol Station rebuked agents for referring to their detainees as illegal aliens.

The supervisor went on to exhort the agents and declared, “These are human beings!” Who in the world said they were not human beings? It seems this supervisor, and every Alejandro Mayorkas apologist has a problem with the adjective “illegal”.

The word “alien” is defined as a person that is foreign to a land. So, an illegal alien is a person that is from another land and not legally present at the land where they are presently residing. 

There is also the very real possibility that people, like this supervisor, understand this definition to mean that they are being characterized as an alien life form. If this is their misconception and reason they are offended, then they are just simply idiots.

So which is it? Do you have a problem with the word “illegal alien” which is the accepted term in the INA? The INA is derived from the U.S. Constitution. So, do you have a problem with the Constitution? The Constitution guarantees that inalienable rights that come from God are preserved. So, is God the problem?

If it’s none of these, then you are misunderstanding the definition altogether and think this is a UFO issue. In this case, you’re an idiot, and only God can help you! I recommend you go to the Constitution that can help explain.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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