Under What Authority?

Free police car image

Have you ever been pulled over for speeding or some other moving violation? I am embarrassed to admit that I have fallen victim on one too many instances.

I would like to say that, once I see the red and blue lights, I pull over as a law abiding citizen. However, the fact that I got pulled over, brings into question the whole “law abiding citizen” part.

Although I consider myself a law abiding citizen, the reason I pull over is because I recognize the authority that those red and blue lights represent.

The Officer approaches and he’s wearing a uniform, which further represents an authority. The uniform is adorned by a badge and insignia that further represent an authority. 

The Officer identifies himself and his agency, which he represents that gives him the post to command that authority. The Officer further identifies the law that I broke and further explains my transgression.

The Officer has the authority to, not only pull me over, but to execute some sort of consequence. It can be as simple as a warning, or it can get as serious as an arrest. For the record, I’ve never been arrested.

The fact that I got pulled over (to me) is serious enough. Due to my actions, my freedom to move freely is temporarily being infringed upon. Admittedly, I brought it upon myself, but what gives this Officer the authority to temporarily infringe upon my rights to move freely as a citizen?

The answer is quite simple and requires no reason to complicate things. This Officer has the authority vested unto him by the law. Law that was passed by municipalities who were put into power by “We the people.”

We the people elect people to pass laws to protect OUR best interests. It is in our best interest to have speed limits and other laws to keep us safe. We don’t have to agree with those laws, but we better abide by them.

If we don’t agree we can petition our government, we can enact changes, or we can elect new people and change the order of municipalities. One thing we do not do is ignore the law because we disagree with it!

I think you guessed by now where I’m going with this. Before I get to that, let me remind the reader that all laws, all authority, and all the vested power comes from the U.S. Constitution. 

The Constitution, however, protects inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These inalienable rights comes from the ultimate authority God Almighty!

Every single public servant of this government, whether it’s an elected official or this police officer that pulled me over, takes an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution!

They take an oath to pass laws consistent with the U.S. Constitution, or they take the oath to execute the laws consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

So, let me finally get to my point! Under what authority are Border Patrol agents releasing millions upon millions of illegal aliens? Don’t you dare say to me that they are simply following orders! 

The lawful orders are simple and designated accordingly by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The INA is derived from the U.S. Constitution. The INA gives Border Patrol agents their authority to determine alienage and to make an arrest.

The INA does NOT give the authority to determine illegal alienage and release the illegal alien. The INA, however, authorizes deportation. So, what orders are agents following?

My next question would be, is it a lawful order? The next question: who is giving this order and under what authority? Can anyone answer these questions in good conscience? 

We can’t excuse our actions by blaming policy because policy also must be consistent with immigration law (INA) and the U.S. Constitution.

We can’t excuse our actions by blaming Alejandro Mayorkas because he’ll just say he was following orders from his boss, which is the President of the United States.

So, stop with the excuses, the gaslighting, the helplessness and do the job you swore under oath that you would execute! At the very least, before you release one more illegal alien, ask yourself one question. Under what authority?

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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