BORDER TRUTH: This Can’t Be Real Can’t it? YES IT IS!

by JJ Carrell

August 28, 2024

Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up! Democrats are truly some of the vilest people on this planet!

Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Housing shortages force home sell prices and rents to skyrocket. The dollar has been continuously declining because of the excessive printing of money. Wages are falling as inflation surpasses 20, 30, 40, and even 50 percent! And what does the Democrat Party in the states of California and Oregon do?

Wait for it…

Oregon is “…offering grants of $30,000 to first-time buyers in the state, but with only those who are not U.S. citizens eligible to apply.” This Newsweek article goes on to state, “The money was offered by the Hacienda Community Development Corporation (HCDC) as part of its “Camino a Casa.” Now why would any state offer tens of thousands of dollars to illegal aliens? Furthermore, why in God’s great name would we ignore our own citizens for invaders? We can’t know for sure because the news rag, Newsweek, didn’t even ask a single person involved in this illegal money laundering scheme for a comment. However, Newsweek did find a Republican State Representative Ed Diehl to opine the insanity of it all, “American citizens in Oregon are struggling to find and buy a home. We have a severe housing shortage in this state. I am appalled that the hard-earned, limited tax dollars of Oregonians are being used to prioritize homeownership for certain non-US citizens. Oregon can’t end this state-sponsored discrimination soon enough.” I always find it interesting that there is rarely anyone available to champion these insane bills. One would think that if the bill was so helpful and impactful, that individual(s) would be jumping up and down praising its importance. Nope! Silence! Why? Because even mental patients know a dumpster fire when they see it.

Not to be outdone, uber liberal California run by extreme mental patients saw Oregon’s crazy and raised them a lot! California has passed a bill that now sits on the head mental patient, Governor Newsome’s, desk. What is in this magical bill? Well, up to $150,000 down payment to purchase a home in California. There is one catch. You have to be an illegal alien! Who was the brain trust that wrote this bill? His name is Democrat assemblymember Joaquin Arambula of Fresno. The article posted on states that Mr. Arambula, “recently introduced Assembly Bill 1840 to extend a first-time homebuyer loan program to illegal aliens.” What is in these loans that California Democrat state senators overwhelmingly voted on? An interest free down payment of up to $150,000! This boondoggle just gets better because once this law passed the senate, the California Department of Finance confirmed the program has no money to give. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

The mental patients are running our nation. Individuals that can barely function in society are making the laws and creating insane policy that ruins our lives.

Where is the actual pain threshold of America? Where does that point of pain live inside us all where we say, “ENOUGH!”? Honestly, at this point in history, I think Americans have been so conditioned to insanity that we are numb to the pain.

Oregon and California are not economically easy places to live. If you earn $200,000 a year, you are living month to month. In California you are either super wealthy, making it month to month or you live in poverty. AND, those traitors and imbeciles running the state want to give money they don’t have to illegal aliens instead of helping their own people.

When will enough be enough?

Really, when?

Border Truth -J.J. Carrell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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