The United Nations INFILTRATION of Utah

How and why a small, conservative state became a target and tool of a globalist takeover in America

When most people inside and outside of Utah describe it, they usually call it a place of conservative values, a place of natural beauty, open spaces, friendly people, and home of the LDS church. While this is true, there is a dark, sneaky underbelly that has been at work behind the scenes. Forces have been working hard to convert this state into a model for the UN plans and policies.

It takes little digging to understand that Utah has been hijacked by insiders and outsiders for this purpose. The proof is in the laws and policies that prove Utah test state for many mechanisms the UN is using widely to achieve their goals of global governance and control. They’ve done this by infiltrating a state that no one was paying attention to or could imagine would ever be implementing many socialist and/or communist agendas that take God, liberty, freedom and personal rights, out from under the residents.

The goal of this article is to inform the public of how, when, where, and who has done this, to wake up the people of Utah to be informed to have the knowledge to be able to confidently push back and say NO to these policies and programs. The state is nearly a communist outpost devoid of all the things we hold dear and precious as Americans.

In 2013, the Utah State Legislature went to work crafting a resolution “Rejecting the United Nations Agenda 21, both its intent and its potential for abuse.”

A resolution is not a law, and it has no teeth, but they did see a clear enough danger for Utah from Agenda 21 (now called Agenda 2030) to take the time and trouble to write, discuss, modify, and vote on supporting this resolution’s statements. Or maybe they were simply showboating.

Whatever their motivation, as you read in the actual document linked below, it is VERY clear that the legislature saw through the language of “sustainable development”, and into its nefarious intent.

SJR 11 2013 General Session- JOINT RESOLUTION ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND 2 DEVELOPMENTAL POLICIES(This joint resolution of the Legislature rejects United Nations Agenda 21 and urges 11 state and local governments across the United States to reject it.)


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