A Dangerous Wild Animal Problem

Male lion mane wild yawning

Let me start with one very simple question: would you let a wild animal into your home? Let me add that this isn’t any wild animal, it’s a dangerous wild animal.

I want you to further imagine the type of dangerous wild animal: lion, tiger, or bear…oh my! Maybe it’s a reptile like a venomous snake.

Heck, let’s make it a raccoon, however, since it has to be dangerous it must be rabid. Again, no matter your choice of scenario, the question will remain the same: would you let that animal inside your home?

If you’re an idiot and would agree to let it in, the deal is that you must live with it indefinitely along with your loved ones.

The answer is obviously a resounding, NO! So, if you knew that your government knew that a certain foreign government was in the process of releasing its entire population of dangerous wild animals, which were destined for your house, how would you feel about that?

Our government, run by the Biden administration, knew this was happening as early as 2022! The Venezuelan communist dictatorship of Maduro was emptying his prisons and mental institutions. Maduro further wiped their criminal and mental health records clean.

Maduro had one stipulation: these released dangerous animals must depart Venezuela and head for the United States. These released animals were more than happy to comply. I know this to be true because I read the intelligence reports with my own eyes about a year before I retired from the Border Patrol.

Our feckless government, not only refused to stop their entry, the government helped bring them in! You the homeowners of America paid to have wild animals brought into your home!

If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m referring to the dangerous wild animals that call themselves “Tren de Aragua”. A Venezuelan criminal organization that makes the MS-13 gang seem like a kindergarten bully.

Tren de Aragua are so dangerous that they run other gangs out of their territory. Unlike a wild animal from nature that is dangerous when frightened or cornered, these Venezuelan animals are dangerous because they are inherently evil.

These wild animals are here now and in great numbers thanks to Biden’s open borders policies. You no longer have a choice of whether to let them in or not. They are coming in and if you don’t let them in, they will let themselves in.

If you think I’m being melodramatic, ask the displaced residents of the Aurora, Colorado apartments! Ask the growing numbers of victims throughout America!

The only fix is to take drastic but effective measures, such as President Bukele of El Salvador. There is one other fix, to call an exterminator; maybe the Hell’s Angels are up to the task.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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