The Conscience Dilemma of a Liberal

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Liberals don’t have much of a conscience. The little amount they do have is very warped. For example, they hate Israel and support the terrorist group Hamas. Their conscience compels them to hate Israel because they are “occupiers.”

However, liberals also love the homosexual agenda and put gay rights above all else.

The dilemma is that their conscience is violated when these Hamas terrorists throw a homosexual person over the top of the highest roof they can find. Liberals idolize the homosexual lifestyle, so what do they do when the Hamas terrorists, who they also idolize, do this heinous act?

I know my specialty is immigration related issues, so let’s focus on liberals’ conscience dilemma when it comes to immigration. Liberals believe that borders are inhumane and that any laws or barriers are “un American.”

Liberals believe that open borders is the right policy to have in this country because no person is illegal. The problem with this logic is that unvetted mass immigration will undoubtedly cause crime to rise.

As I stated, liberals do not have much of a conscience, so they rationalize and excuse all the illegal alien crimes. The murders, rapes, kidnappings, child victimization, and gang problems are all rationalized as a societal problem and not an immigration created problem.

Although, there’s some truth to that societal argument, they ignore the fact that crime has suddenly increased and illegal aliens are the perpetrators.

Liberals will stay loyal to the illegal invaders because crimes against humanity is a “societal issue.” The conscience dilemma of a liberal surfaces when illegal aliens commit crimes against animals. Now it’s an issue!

Animal rights trump human rights to many of these liberals, so what is a liberal to do now that these horrific stories of animal cruelty are coming to light? Haitians are reportedly killing people’s pet cats and eating them. Illegal aliens are killing ducks at public parks, so they can also eat them, which is creating a conscience dilemma for the liberal.

How about the illegal aliens that fight dogs and roosters for sport? As horrible as that is, and has occurred in dark corners of American society, it is quite common and acceptable throughout Mexico and Latin America. Illegal aliens bring it here to America and continue this heinous crime.

As also previously stated, liberals have a warped conscience. They will rationalize a crime against humanity to exonerate the illegal alien. However, an illegal alien committing crimes that violates animal rights; now we have a conscience dilemma!

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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