The Left’s Melodrama, Except for Immigration Issues

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The political left absolutely loves melodrama. In fact, to get their way politically, they know no other way to behave themselves.

For example, at this present moment I cannot watch a football game, or any television show that I enjoy, without being bombarded by a Collin Allred for Senate commercial.

Allred is trying to unseat Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and Allred is going full steam ahead on the melodramatic outrage. He has all these angry women in his commercial claiming that their lives are in danger because of Ted Cruz’ support for Texas’ “extreme anti abortion law.” Standing next to these angry women, are their beta male husbands that also look very angry.

This righteous indignation is how they get their point across. Their point is that they deserve to be angry because they are not allowed to murder their babies. They know full well their lives are not in danger, and they know that they are not mad. After the commercial was shot, I’m sure they were all shucking and jiving as they continue with their liberal lives.

They are mad, however, that they can’t control you and the laws they want in place in a conservative state. Take, for instance, Florida. They can’t control the weather or the fact that many homeowners would choose to stay behind rather than evacuate the hurricane.

The left loves controlling people’s lives, and if you don’t believe me, do I need to cite examples from the Covid mandate era? To get back to the hurricane and the evacuation, the Democrat Tampa Mayor said that if you do not evacuate you will die.

She even emphasized that she was not being melodramatic! Of course Hurricane Milton is dangerous and destructive, but to guarantee that you will die, if you do not do what she says, is a little melodramatic. She had help from a liberal beta male weatherman who cried (actual tears) on air when describing the hurricane.

Whether it’s a health crisis like Covid, a weather crisis like Hurricane Milton, or a political agenda like abortion, the left will use every emotion at their disposal and utilize their best Oscar-nominated performances of melodramatic fits to control you.

The one crisis that they will not even acknowledge as a crisis is immigration. They will not cry, they will not be angry, and they will downright ignore the crisis and its harmful effects altogether!

If ever there was a reason to cry, this would be the appropriate one. The fact that hundreds of thousands of children are missing! The Biden Administration has admitted it, so let’s not ignore it! The thousands of children that are sexually assaulted and victimized daily because of this open borders disaster!

After a 28 year career as a Border Patrol Agent I saw one too many children manifesting traits of being sexually victimized, but what do I know? 

How about the statistic that 1 out of 3 women that cross illegally into the United States gets raped? Does that arouse at least a feigned righteous indignation? Nope, suddenly leftists are void of emotions.

How about the astronomically high numbers of illegal aliens that lose their lives making this treacherous journey? Any tears or melodramatic performances?

These are real numbers and atrocities going on right now! Yet, no melodramatic tears. You know why? It’s because this suffering is a necessary evil that these pawns must endure to further strengthen the power grip of the left.

The poor souls that manage to get in alive and without trauma have one purpose: to one day vote for the left’s agenda. That strategy is not melodramatic; it is evil.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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