Answer the Freaking Question!

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Never, in all my years (years shall remain classified) have I seen an interview go so wrong. I’m talking about Kamala Harris and her dismal, if not catastrophic, interview with Bret Baier of Fox News.

It didn’t go wrong because of her leftist views. I mean, this is still America, and we have a right to have opposing views. It went wrong because she wouldn’t answer a single question!

Her supporters could argue that she wasn’t allowed to answer because Bret kept interrupting her. If you saw the interview, you might have noticed that he did give her ample opportunities to answer. Bret intervened only when the question was not being answered.

For example, one of the questions was, “Do you or anyone from your administration owe the families of murdered victims an apology for your immigration policies?”

Kamala started by bashing Trump, and Bret said, “He wasn’t in office; you and Biden were.” Kamala then blamed Congress, and Bret pointed out, “This had nothing to do with Congress it was executive actions on your administration’s part.”

Harris was very flustered by this time, and she finally uttered that she was very sorry for the pain the families were going through. She was not sorry for the policies that facilitated these murders, but for the pain.

This is tantamount to me slapping you in the face and apologizing to you for the pain you feel. She missed an opportunity to say that she regrets these policies and that as president she intends to change course. Bret tried to steer her in the right direction, but she failed miserably.

Instead, she doubled down in support of Biden and even added that she was an intricate part of the decision making process. If this is the case, then Harris was just being truthful, which hurts her even more.

The truth is the Biden Administration is in the wrong track on most issues, especially immigration. The truth is Kamala is an intricate part of this administration. The truth is Kamala can’t disavow Biden because she agrees with all that has been done by this administration.

Harris tried to do what the treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas always does, which is not ever answer a question. Mayorkas is masterful at this, and he can get away with it because he’s not running for the President of the United States.

The truth then becomes that Kamala cannot blame Trump, Congress or anyone. She has one choice, which is to answer the freaking question and she failed at that too.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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