My new book is a few months from being published, but it is time for a sneak peek. There will only be one chapter on immigration because the theme and premise of the book will be: how growing up in poverty shapes a conservative mind.
My main point in the immigration chapter is that there is no demographic more affected by illegal immigration than the American poor people, specifically Hispanics. I am not going to spoil the chapter for you by revealing my two main arguments; however, I do want to make a remarkably interesting point for this article.
Cesar Chavez the poster child for quasi-communist worker’s unions and an icon of the American left was a staunch anti-illegal immigration proponent. You read that correctly! Cesar Chavez, the head of the union that became known as the United Farm Workers (UFW), demanded that the Border Patrol do its job! Chavez was a union leader and a civil rights activist. He is (to this day) the darling of the political left and put up on a pedestal right up there with Ernesto “Che” Guevara.
The liberal left forgets this tidbit about Chavez! Since I am a writer and an aficionado of history, I see it as my duty to remind everyone of the blatant hypocrisy that festers in Democrats.
So, let us investigate this forgotten piece of history, shall we? First, we must look at why this leftist hero was against illegal immigration and a huge fan of the U.S. Border Patrol. Chavez, unlike today’s Democrat, was true to his principles. Chavez cared about the poor, specifically the farm workers. These poor farm workers were (you guessed it) Hispanics!
Chavez opposed two things that he fought feverishly against: the miserable wages and the horrible working conditions of these farm workers. He managed to get these workers to organize and to unionize. A union, however, is only as strong as their power to strike.
All the slave-driving heads of the produce industry found a way to make Chavez’ union powerless. Can you guess how? Yes, illegal aliens that the industry brought in displaced every single one of those poor farm workers! These poor American farm workers’ strikes meant nothing when thousands of illegal aliens came in to replace them.
Chavez demanded in 1969 that the Border Patrol increase its presence in Kern County California. This area is famous for its amount of produce produced in America, and quite frankly, the world. Chavez went as far as to provide information to the Border Patrol regarding the employers and locations of illegal aliens!
In 1969 things were not any different than they are today. Illegal aliens take American jobs and drive wages down! Liberals will argue: Illegal aliens are doing work that no Americans want to do. Tell that to the farm workers that were doing the job.
The truth is no American wants to do farm work for $7.00 per hour for 14 hours a day! Chavez was right, the American farm workers wanted better wages and to not be treated like animals. You know who does not mind? You guessed it again, illegal aliens!
The elite left will make these types of comments because it does not affect them or their comfortable jobs. Illegal aliens will never be a threat to an accountant, lawyer, or company executive. However, illegal aliens will always be a threat to the livelihood of the working-class poor, especially Hispanics. I am not talking solely about farm workers. It affects the American poor in the service, landscaping, and maintenance industries just to name a few. Anything that is blue-collar and low skill is in danger of being displaced by the good ol’ illegal aliens.
You know when it does affect the elite left? It affects them when they go to pay for their produce at the grocery store. That is why Democrats of today defend the illegal aliens by arguing, “Who will pick the produce?” In 1850, those same Democrats were saying, “Who will pick the cotton?”
Fast forward to 2025. The United Farm Workers union still revere Cesar Chavez, one of their founding fathers. Yet, the UFW just filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Border Patrol (not because the Border Patrol will not do their job). The UFW filed a lawsuit because the Border Patrol was doing their job!
What changed? The main thing that changed is that the Democrats used to be defenders of the poor, working-class. Now, all they care about is future votes and clinging on to their precious power. The UFW forgot their core values and they support a party agenda over core principles! The UFW sold out the working-class poor by suing the very agency that can help guarantee that wages stay high and working conditions are humane. Cesar Chavez must be turning in his grave!
Writer’s Note: If you like this and my other articles that I post, get it before anyone else by following me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1.
Get a copy of my book: The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! Also, stay tuned for my new book in a few months (title pending).