A Secret Finally Revealed: Americans Can Know the U.S. Cities Receiving Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants Flying from Abroad

A House committee data release confirms a CIS report, and offers additional information 

By Todd Bensman on May 1, 2024

AUSTIN, Texas — The Big Secret is finally vanquished.

Americans can now know the locations of 45 U.S. cities whose domestic airportshave received flights carrying hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens the Biden administration authorized to fly over the border into the interior of the country but then determinedly fought to shield from public knowledge.

Those 45 cities where the receiving international airports are finally came to official light via the House Homeland Security Committee (albeit in regions the Center for Immigration Studies already identified following a year-long Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the data). Last year, the committee demanded the same data from DHS in a letter similar to the Center’s contested FOIA request and which, after administration stonewalling, evolved into a subpoena. The committee released the information to Fox News on Tuesday.

The administration’s tightly guarded city airport locations confirm a Center for Immigration Studies report published on April 1, 2024, which disclosed that Florida airports by far led all other states in flight landings of 326,000 immigrants through March, distantly followed in still significant numbers by Texas, New York, and California. (See “The Florida Gateway: Data Shows Most Migrant Flights Landing in Gov. DeSantis’s Sunshine State”.) The new data also confirms prior Center reports that about 43 U.S. airports were taking in immigrants from international flights. (See “New Records Show Biden DHS Has Approved Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants for Secretive Foreign Flights Directly into U.S. Airports”.)

But the information release is still useful in other ways.

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