Alejando Mayorkas: The Pied Piper

Illustration Pied Piper Hamelin Robert

Disclaimer: It is not my intent to dehumanize any group of people, nor should it be perceived in any way, form, or fashion. This is merely a comical comparison of an old tale with Mayorkas’ current actions. However, if Mayorkas in any way is villainized, it is intentional.

In the classic tale from the Middle Ages titled “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” we learn of a mysterious piper who makes a deal with the Mayor of Hamelin to rid the town of its rat infestation problem. The piper plays his pipe, and the rats follow him into the Weser River where all the rats drown.

To this day, the pied piper is synonymous with someone who attracts someone with charisma and false promises.

When Alejandro Mayorkas was nominated by Joe Biden to be in charge of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), he would be charged overseeing the Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Since the U.S. Border Patrol falls under the umbrella of CBP, Border Patrol Agents were furious that an immigration advocate would be charged with leading the agency that is charged with the removal of illegal aliens!

However, Mayorkas’ charm and false promises were enough to convince enough “republican” senators to confirm him to the post. Even the Border Patrol National Council (Border Patrol Union) President Brandon Judd chimed in to say he’d do a great job.

Mayorkas has played his magical pipe, and no one is lining up and walking from the town toward the river (at least not illegal aliens). On the contrary, people are pouring across that Rio Grande River coming to a town near you by the millions! The tune keeps playing and the masses keep coming in: wave after wave.

In the classic tale, the piper was expecting to be paid the agreed upon wage. The Mayor of Hamelin reneges on the deal and the pied piper vows revenge. The piper returns and plays his mysterious pipe once again. This time, he leads the town’s children away where the children suffer the same fate as the rats.

Mayorkas is indeed leading our children. Leading them to drown in debt, which they and their children will be paying for years to come. The money we don’t have to finance these insurmountable masses of people, which we now have to pay for: from cradle to grave.

Billions of dollars are being spent on education, medical care, the criminal justice system, transportation, welfare, and housing to pay for their presence in this town we call America.

The expression, “It’s time to pay the piper,” originates from this story. Yes, it is time to pay the piper, but the town folk are all drowning in debt!

In the classic tale, three children survived to tell the adults about what had happened. One child was deaf, so he could not be lured by the mysterious music from the pied piper and thus did not follow him. A second child was blind, so he could not follow the piper or the children to their terrible fate. A third child could not walk, so he also could not follow the pied piper.

The charming and enchanting pied piper Mayorkas plays his treasonous tune. Politicians, Border Patrol leadership, and average Americans are all lined up! They see the treasonous path Mayorkas is taking, yet everyone turns a blind eye. They hear about the treason that Mayorkas spews out in congressional hearings, yet no one hears a thing. They see Mayorkas walking us over the river’s edge, yet no one stops or turns around.

I’ll give credit where credit is due, Mayorkas is good at what he purposes, which is to destroy America. He will keep playing his tune, except the wrong people are lining up and walking out of town. Americans and their children and their children’s children are destined for the river. They follow the mysterious and deceitful pied piper Mayorkas. I don’t know when this enchanting tune from Mayorkas will ever stop, but when it does, it’ll be time to pay the piper!

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