Freight train approaches an industrial

Toward the end of my 28 year career with the U.S. Border Patrol, agents of the Uvalde Station encountered an unconscious young woman. She was found adjacent to the railroad tracks and missing her left leg.

Technically, it wasn’t missing, it was near her unconscious body but it was severed clean by the unforgiving train. Apparently, she tried to board a moving train and lost her balance. 

The lower part of her body (left leg) fell on the track, while the rest of her fell outside the track. This resulted in the train’s wheels running over her left leg and amputating it.

The only thing that saved her life was that the train conductor spotted her fall, and the train wheel pressed her leg shut like a ziplock bag. This kept her from bleeding out.

Agents called an ambulance, and she was subsequently airlifted to San Antonio for emergency surgery. I could get into the cost of all this, but not today.

The disturbing part came when agents performing hospital watch had to tell her the news of her amputation. Yes, agents are tasked with watching this “detainee” until she is released from the hospital. I could get into the waste of valuable national security assets, but not today.

When she woke from her surgery, she was told the news of what had transpired and that she was lucky to be alive. However, when she was told about her amputation, she let out a horrifying scream.

She screamed, “You should have let me die!” She continued, “Nobody will want to marry me like this!” The fact that she escaped death’s grasp meant nothing to her. She was so devastated, and it was a sad spectacle. 

My heart truly went out to her. These are the stories that Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas needs to hear. He needs to know that, yet another victim, has fallen prey to his negligence of not enforcing the nation’s immigration laws.

Mayorkas and his open borders policies are opening opportunities for heartache for many of these people that he uses as political pawns!

When a nation of law and order has people in power that refuses to enforce those laws, then we have disorder. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which includes all our nation’s immigration laws, is derived from the U.S. Constitution!

So, when you ignore the immigration laws, you ignore the U.S. Constitution. When you ignore the Constitution, you ignore the will of the people. When all these variables come together, I call that an amputation of a nation’s soul!

Unlike the young lady, the bleeding of an amputated soul does not stop. The only way to stop the bleeding is to amputate the treasonous vermin that cause this harm. So think about that when November rolls around.

I wish this young woman well. I hope she finds someone who loves her for what remains of her body and spirit. She will learn, with time, to live with her amputated leg. My concern for our great nation is how do we survive with an amputated soul?

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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