Biden’s Immigration “Non-Compete Clause”

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If you come from the business or corporate world, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the “non-compete clause.” It is an agreement or contract that prevents one party from competing against another party in a similar trade or profession for a set period of time.

This prevents someone from: sharing trade secrets/innovation, stealing clients or employees from present employer, and/or starting a second business. This second business then competes with the business from which one is departing or selling.

Although the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently ruled against non-compete clauses, these agreements were fair. After all, why should a company who trained, taught, and nurtured employees, lose revenue to them when and if they choose to bolt?

The FTC, a government entity, says it’s no longer “fair” to have these agreements or contracts and that it “stymies growth and innovation”. So, if the government deemed non-compete clauses as unfair and anti-growth, then why are they assisting illegal aliens to have an upper hand in business?

Biden’s manufactured immigration crisis, which is spearheaded by Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, is allowing the flow of countless illegal aliens into this country.

The government facilitates the entry of these illegal aliens. The illegal aliens quickly learn skills. Since there isn’t any interior enforcement, the illegal aliens can work, learn, and grow without fear of deportation.

Allow me to explain how unfair the government has made it on the business world. I will talk specifically about the small businesses of America, which are the backbone of the American economy.

My brother owns a nursery and landscaping business. He employs about 15 people and starts the low skilled workers at $16 per hour. His business pays taxes, social security, workmen’s compensation and everything else required of federal, state and local governments.

On, he pays for all the overhead required to run this type of business. He hires U.S. citizens and legal residents, and he also pays thousands of dollars to bring in legal H-1A Visa workers from Mexico. My brother jumps through all the government’s hoops because he runs a legitimate business.

The way my brother’s company succeeds is that he pays very fair wages, every employee is in uniform, every project has a foreman or project manager present, and professional demeanor and performance is expected from every employee.

This professionalism and aforementioned costs of running a legitimate business are not cheap. The customer will pay more to receive this product and service.

Now let’s contrast this with Juan the illegal alien, which YOUR government is allowing to come in by the millions. Juan comes here, buys a truck, buys some tools, hires 7 of his illegal alien amigos, and starts a landscaping business.

Juan pays his workers $7 per hour, does not pay any taxes, does not pay any social security, and certainly doesn’t even know what workmen’s compensation is and much less pay it.

While my brother abides by fair wages and working conditions, Juan and his band of illegals will work from sunup to sundown. You think Juan worries about any fair labor act? You think Juan pays time and a half after 40 hours per week?

Juan works out of his truck, so he doesn’t have near the overhead that my brother has at his established business. Yes, a business with a set locale and fleet of vehicles and equipment. Juan’s truck, by the way, is not insured. Why should Juan worry about that insignificant added expense?

Juan has learned how to install an irrigation system, yet he doesn’t possess an irrigator’s license, heck he doesn’t even have a driver’s license! You see where I’m going with this?

My brother provides a professional design and itemized estimate to a potential customer. A design that took hours to create with an application that he purchased.

Juan shows up and says he can do it for half the price! The customer is enamored by the savings, and Juan steals my brother’s design/intellectual property and, yes, the job.

Juan took the job from a legitimate American business that pays taxes, pays into the social security system, plays by the rules, and stimulates the economy.

I don’t want to come across as arrogant or elitist, but Juan didn’t steal that job because he offered a better service, or because he was a harder worker. Juan was simply cheap!

Juan has little to no overhead costs, Juan pays nothing to the government, and Juan simply doesn’t play by the rules set by the government. My brother as an American citizen must pay to play, while Juan gets paid to stay!

Juan and millions upon millions of his illegal alien countrymen will keep on doing this to my brother and to the thousands of small businesses across America. Many of these small businesses will close their doors for business forever.

Why are they closing? It is because you cannot compete against illegal aliens. They will always outbid a legitimate business. Biden calls it fairness; I call it Biden’s non-compete clause.

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