Border Truth: Terrorism ~ It’s here

J.J. Carrell

“100 percent, there will be a terrorist attack before the November election.” President Trump

“There are more red flags now than before 9/11.” FBI Director Wray

Border Truth -J.J. Carrell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Joe Biden will have arrested and released over 12,000,000 illegal aliens by the end of his term.

Inside that incredible number of 12,000,000 is over 250,000 Special Interest Aliens (SIAs). SIAs are individuals from terrorist nations or people that have traveled through terrorist nations. In layman’s terms, they are terrorists. Before I continue, understand I am ONLY talking about the individuals that have been arrested and therefore counted in CBP data. I am not talking about the other 15 to 18 million illegals that crossed and absconded through the unmanned and unprotected border. I believe, without hesitation, the number of SIAs to be over 500,000!

I will use CBP data, despite evidence proving their data is untrue, and the number of SIAs to be over 250,000.

The data and the reported actions of illegal aliens and “legal aliens” attempting to enter military bases across America, convince me that a terrorist attack is eminent. This is not based on my feelings but instead it is a simple probability equation. You can’t usher into your nation, hundreds of thousands of individuals from nations that hate America and expect everything is going to be ok. Instead, any rational person would have to be, at the absolute minimum, concerned.

Navy Admiral Daryl Caudle was interviewed by FoxNews and he declared that Navy bases across America are being probed by individuals from terrorist nations attempting to enter these installation two to three times a week! Let me state this again because the Admiral’s statement is almost incomprehensible. The Admiral stated that terrorists are making dry runs onto Navy bases to gauge their vulnerabilities and accessibility TWO TO THREE TIMES A WEEK! The Admiral also made it clear that this was ONLY the Navy bases. He does not have the data for the Army, Marines or Air Force military bases.

These incursions and dry runs are happening on Marine bases. I worked at the San Clemente Border Patrol Station which is located on the Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Base, and we responded to numerous calls outs from the Marines to interview individuals that tried to enter their base that were thought to be illegal aliens. This is a huge security issue.

Just this month Breitbart reported, “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Thursday that one of two Jordanian nationals who tried to sneak onto a Marine Corps base in Virginia this month had entered the U.S. illegally across the southern border in April.” Understand that our intentionally and strategically open borders have profound consequences. Read the response from an ICE spoke person, “ICE has no information that would suggest either noncitizen is associated with any organization that would pose a public safety or national security threat.” Do you believe that statement? And a “noncitizen” is legally called an Illegal Alien!

Hidden in the complete response from ICE is an important fact that one of the two individuals from Jordan was here in America on a Student Visa BUT it “was to be terminated” on January 14, 2023, thus he was a visa overstay: An ILLEGAL ALIEN. So, two illegal aliens from Jordan mistakenly tried to drive onto a Marine base. Now, just a simple question – How many times in your life have you randomly taken the wrong turn and ended up trying to drive onto a military base? Of course, the answer is never. So, I am to believe this fairy tale that two illegal aliens from a terror nation just made a mistake? If you believe that, I assume you believe men can have babies!

There are reports of SIAs stalking our Special Forces operators. Two Chechen illegal aliens got into a fight with a Special Forces Army Colonel on the Colonel’s private property. The Colonel shot and killed one Chechen as the Colonel feared for his life as the two illegal alien terrorists were filming and surveilling the Colonel. PJ Media reported, “… two Chechen men who spoke only broken English were on the property in two locations. A scuffle broke out between the colonel and Ramzan Daraev, 35, of Chicago. The Army officer fired at and killed Daraev at close range. The other Chechen was located in a vehicle elsewhere on the property. He was interviewed and, somewhat astonishingly, released by law enforcement. The FBI was called (uh-oh) and offered linguistic help. Fox News is reporting the two Chechens are here illegally.”

I have to state that the FBI has become as sad joke in law enforcement. How in the hell do you release an illegal alien that was just involved in an attack on a Special Forces Colonel AND that illegal alien is from a terrorist nation! How in the hell does this happen?

PJ Media makes this astounding statement, “Now it gets weirder. Local news media reported the shooting, but the mainstream media didn’t say much. As if that isn’t suspicious enough, U.S. Special Ops soldiers around the nation have reportedly been the victims of suspicious surveillance of themselves and their families for the past few years. And yet the second Chechen was released after being interviewed.”

America is the most vulnerable she has ever been in her history.

America’s top law enforcement agencies have been complicit in this lawlessness either by force from our government or by utter incompetence.

I take no joy in writing this article or stating that all the data, coupled with the movement and actions of SIAs roaming inside of our nation, leads to a great probability that a terror attack will occur in America.

When this happens, as all top law enforcement officials have concurred, America will be asking the same tired old question, “How did this happen to America?’

When you remain silent as your nation is being invaded, when you remain silent when treason is being levied against the body of your nation, when lawlessness rules and you say nothing, well, that’s the answer to that imbecilic question!

Border Truth -J.J. Carrell is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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