Category: Joel Maldonado

The Crying and Gnashing of Teeth!

All of us immigration insiders knew it was coming! We all knew it was a matter of time! It was inevitable! I’m talking about the media dutifully trying to sway the hearts and minds of the American public. We all knew that the leftist elite media was going to run hit piece after hit piece […]

Honor First

If there was ever a doubt that a 2nd Trump term would right the ship (regarding immigration policies) we have some early indications that point toward dramatic, positive change. The new Chief of the Border Patrol is a very good start. This particular change may seem insignificant to the outsider, especially when compared to the […]

Peasants, Do As I Say, Not As I Do!

Pope Francis has called for a “more welcoming” attitude toward migrants around the world! That’s right folks, “Do as I say, not as I do!” It’s easy to demand for nations around the world to allow illegal aliens to pour in when the Vatican is completely enclosed by a security wall. The only way to […]

Good Press Only

When it comes to describing a group of people, the people in that group want only the positive attributes highlighted. Only the good and nothing bad! Those same people, however, want to be a part of that group to receive entitlements, victimization, and kudos. Any hint of facts toward the negative and you’ll receive blowback […]

Presidential Pardons, Are They Constitutional?

Are Presidential pardons Constitutional? The short answer is yes as per Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 which states that the Executive Branch (President of the United States) can pardon anyone who has committed any federal crime. However, let us focus on the unconstitutional pardons that we see today from Presidents from both sides of […]

The Misinformed Informational Age

Generation Z is the most misinformed generation in the history of man. Before all you young folks get all worked up in a frenzy, please note that I am speaking in general terms. Every time I turn around there’s a member of Generation Z there to remind me that they live in the informational age. […]

The Silent Neutralizer of the Border Patrol (Part II)

I was recently given a good critique regarding my articles. I should get straight to the point then develop it instead of keeping the reader guessing and waiting for my point. So, let me just say that most, if not all Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSA) are treasonous or just plain stupid! Whether they are […]

The Border Patrol’s Silent Neutralizer (Part I)

Imagine for a minute that you are shopping at a grocery store and are about to purchase all your gathered groceries. You witness a shady person trying to exit the store in a hurried fashion. Suddenly, a member of the store’s security staff grabs the person before he/she can exit the store. A subsequent search […]

Are we friends, or just social media friends?

My 19 year old college freshman son is a little bummed out right now. He has been removed and blocked as a “friend” by several people on his social media sites. My son is a little sad, but he is mainly confused as to what he did wrong. So, what is it that my son […]

Listen to Reason; Not to Treason!

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undocumented, undetected, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country.” This makes sense right? There’s nothing partisan, racist, or divisive about this statement. You know why? It’s because this statement is truthful. […]

You’re at the Wrong Rally!

Kamala Harris continues her blunders and gaffes on the campaign trail. She recently took a significant stumble at a campaign rally as she races toward the November 5th finish line. At this rally a couple of hecklers shouted out “Jesus is Lord and Savior!” When you are running as President of the United States, which is a […]

Answer the Freaking Question!

Never, in all my years (years shall remain classified) have I seen an interview go so wrong. I’m talking about Kamala Harris and her dismal, if not catastrophic, interview with Bret Baier of Fox News. It didn’t go wrong because of her leftist views. I mean, this is still America, and we have a right […]

The Left’s Melodrama, Except for Immigration Issues

The political left absolutely loves melodrama. In fact, to get their way politically, they know no other way to behave themselves. For example, at this present moment I cannot watch a football game, or any television show that I enjoy, without being bombarded by a Collin Allred for Senate commercial. Allred is trying to unseat […]

Just Don’t Call Them Sheep!

People don’t like to be referred to as sheep, especially the ones that act as sheep. So, how does one qualify to be called sheep? You simply, and blindly, follow the masses (other sheep) because a so-called leader says to follow. There are no questions asked, doubts presented, or dangers posed you just simply follow […]

Hot Potato

I think we’ve all played the children’s game of hot potato. You know the one where you pass an object around as fast as you can. You pretend it’s a hot potato and the focus is to not drop it or to not keep it in your hands for very long. Illegal aliens are being […]

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