If there was ever a doubt that a 2nd Trump term would right the ship (regarding immigration policies) we have some early indications that point toward dramatic, positive change. The new Chief of the Border Patrol is a very good start. This particular change may seem insignificant to the outsider, especially when compared to the […]
The Silent Neutralizer of the Border Patrol (Part II)
I was recently given a good critique regarding my articles. I should get straight to the point then develop it instead of keeping the reader guessing and waiting for my point. So, let me just say that most, if not all Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSA) are treasonous or just plain stupid! Whether they are […]
Oregon DMV Busted Allowing People Of ‘Unknown Citizenship’ To Register To Vote
BY: LOGAN WASHBURN NOVEMBER 22, 2024 Under this system, the Oregon DMV has processed more than 54,600 voter registrations for individuals who have not proven citizenship, according to documents obtained by The Federalist. The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles has directed its employees to process the voter registration of those with “unknown citizenship” status, simply requiring […]