Deterrence: An Important Weapon to Combat an Invasion

Border fence

According to to deter means 3 things: 1) to discourage or restrain, 2) to prevent or arrest, and 3) to repel.

The only way to end or severely cripple the current invasion of illegal aliens at the border is to deter them. I find this definition fascinating because it is exactly what needs to be done. It is a word also used prominently in the CBP strategy.

However, no deterrence is happening; not one aspect of the 3 variables that define the word. The lack of deterrence is done purposefully because the Biden administration wants to fundamentally change this country.

First, no one is being discouraged or restrained from coming. The opposite is happening with the CBP One app. They encourage these masses to leave their respective countries and they are offered safe passage into the United States.

Since they’ve been “encouraged” to come to the United States, we use taxpayer funds (disguised as NGOs) to to feed, clothe, and transport them to our border and beyond.

Secondly, not one of the invaders is “prevented or arrested”.  In fact, any claim is accepted as a “credible” claim. So, they are “arrested” and released. 

Why call it an arrest? A true arrest would prevent their entry. Instead, they are released with no consequences. Since they aren’t prevented, they are assisted.

Lastly, not one invader is “repelled”. This is troubling because that word is specifically used in Article I of the U.S. Constitution in regard to combating invasions!

Instead of being repelled, we facilitate a safe journey to their final destinations within the United States. Once they set foot into American soil, they are treated to an all expense paid trip to their final destination.

The Biden administration is doing the complete opposite of “discourage, prevent and repel,” which are the three aspects of the definition of deter. Instead they encourage, allow, and facilitate!

So, in short, why are we feigning as a nation to be shocked that there’s an “immigration crisis”? We’re not using one of our few weapons that we have at our disposal: deterrence!

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