Fact Check: Reuters Is Wrong — Biden Is Not Deporting More Illegal Aliens than Trump

Conflating “returns” and “removals” is a trick that Obama pulled too

By Jon Feere on July 10, 2024

A new article from Reuters is pushing a curious headline: “Biden is now deporting more people than Trump”. Americans paying attention to the Biden administration’s destruction of immigration enforcement and the resulting mass illegal immigration likely assume they’ve misread the headline, and upon a second reading likely assume Reuters printed a typo. It turns out, unsurprisingly, that Reuters is simply misleading its readers. In fact, deportations have plummeted under the Biden administration and criminal illegal aliens are some of the top beneficiaries of this administration’s lawlessness.

The Reuters article seems to be an attempt to help President Biden, whose polling on immigration is abysmal. It opens by stating that Biden “has struggled with record numbers of migrants caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally”, inferring that the unprecedented run on our border is outside his control and ignoring the fact that it’s the direct result of the Biden administration’s own anti-enforcement policies.

To understand how Reuters makes the claim on Biden’s deportations, it’s necessary to understand the difference between a “removal” conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and a “return” conducted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Generally, when we talk about deportations, we’re talking about a removal — an arrest of an illegal alien processed by ICE and deported back to the alien’s home country. When we talk about returns, we’re generally talking about people apprehended near the border who are quickly pushed back — returned — to Mexico within a matter of hours. And these returns are often of the same people attempting to enter illegally multiple times.

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