Father’s Day: Also Victimized by Illegal Immigration!

Free father & son holding

Only one day in June, we Americans will take a moment to celebrate our fathers. We should celebrate them for the strong masculine role models that they are and have been in our lives. There isn’t anything toxic about that!

I am thankful everyday for my dad and his fulfillment of this role. This should be celebrated everyday because, as a father myself, the duty never stops.

On this site, we often talk about the negative effects of illegal immigration. Many on the left, which are so desperately trying to grasp on to power, welcome in millions of illegal aliens. Many on the right want cheap labor, so they also want them here. 

These people from the American left and right don’t care about the illegal aliens’ lives; just their votes and a maximized profit!

They don’t care because they don’t stop to think that these millions of potential voters are also victims. They are mere political pawns in the political chess game of illegal immigration.

Even on Father’s Day, these people are victims! As I write, there are hundreds of thousands of children that are being trafficked and will go missing. Even the deceitful, treasonous DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has admitted to these numbers!

Don’t you think those victimized children wish their daddy would come rescue them? If they are still alive, they are being brutally raped, or whatever this sick world does to them. As a Border Patrol Agent for 28 years, I witnessed this trauma in children one too many times.

There are even more millions of children, in their respective homes throughout Central and South America, without their daddy or some semblance of a father figure.

They are being raised by the mean streets of Mexico City, Tegucigalpa, or San Salvador. 

Gangs and other entities of ill repute fill that void of a father figure. We all know that no one can fill that void of a good father. 

Yet, illegal aliens take that journey northward under the false promises of a better life. If these young fathers even make their destination safely, they will be victimized by low wages and horrible living conditions.

The meager savings, if any, will be sent south, so their children can get by. The children are still dirt poor, but they get by. That’s where the gangs step in with promises of their own. Do you see the cycle?

These are the accounts of the “responsible” fathers. Many other millions of illegal aliens will forget about their wife and children and start a whole new life. They’ll find another woman and become “fathers” again. 

The word of this new life eventually gets back to the former family. The victimization, trauma, and vicious cycle never ends for these so called “migrants” that many on the left and right in this country claim to love.

I mean this from the bottom of my heart: I hope every child has a chance to embrace their father. I hope every father provides a strong presence (moral and economic) for their children.

However, we know very well that will not always happen in this country; much less for the illegal alien.

So, to all the men that have stepped up and fulfilled their role, Happy Father’s Day! To all the illegal alien fathers in this country, I wish you the same.

However, there’s someone back home that should be saying it to you in person. Go home and be a father! Your presence here only guarantees that your children will get by….without a father.

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