Good Press Only

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When it comes to describing a group of people, the people in that group want only the positive attributes highlighted. Only the good and nothing bad!

Those same people, however, want to be a part of that group to receive entitlements, victimization, and kudos. Any hint of facts toward the negative and you’ll receive blowback and vitriol by that group and its supporters.

For example, Netflix gets praised for their wokeness in creating a genre of movies labeled “Gay & Lesbian” or “LBGTQ Pride.” In that genre, apparently you can watch movies that star gay actors, gay themes, etc.

However, a riot was almost caused when the Netflix Series about Jeffrey Dahmer was put into that genre! Why would they object? Dahmer was a homosexual, the series was laced with homosexual themes, and it was based on TRUE accounts. Only the good and nothing bad, apparently.

Illegal aliens and their sycophantic supporters are no different. How many times have you heard, “Illegal aliens are the fabric of American society?” They also say, “Illegal aliens contribute greatly to the American economy!” Democrats have even referred to them as, “undocumented Americans.”

However, don’t you dare highlight the crimes committed by illegal aliens! Don’t you dare state the fact that their cheap labor is driving down wages! Don’t you dare call all these new criminals gangs “illegal alien gangs,” don’t you dare!

You just focus on their contributions, their positive attributes, and their feel good stories. If you focus on the negative aspects (the whole story), you are a bigoted racist.

The sycophantic media and all the pro illegal alien lobby groups omit half the story because it goes against their narrative. They’ll fully report that John Smith, a White male, in his early 20s from Boise, Idaho was arrested for burglary.

Contrast that story with: Jose-Martinez-Sanchez was arrested for an unspecified crime. The crime could be rape, murder, or any other felony, but no need to mention race, and especially not legal status!

If you want and demand to be recognized as a member of a certain group, then embrace it fully. Don’t cherry pick the virtues you want highlighted and choose to ignore the bad aspects.

The main reason people flaunt being a part of a group is because they love being “underrepresented” victims. They love receiving entitlements, such as welfare, head-start initiatives, and free rent, and money. They just don’t want the whole story being told.

There’s no doubt that many illegal aliens are hard working, good, and family-oriented people. However, it’s also true that many are criminals. We don’t have to focus on the good or the bad. However, they are the ones that want a story to be told! If a story must be told, then let’s tell the whole story.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1
However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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