Hot Potato

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I think we’ve all played the children’s game of hot potato. You know the one where you pass an object around as fast as you can. You pretend it’s a hot potato and the focus is to not drop it or to not keep it in your hands for very long.

Illegal aliens are being passed around as political hot potatoes. The problem is that this administration doesn’t understand the rules of the game. Instead of handing them right back or passing them along, this administration holds on to these hot potatoes and the American taxpayers get burned.

Venezuela, for instance, has opened up its prisons and mental institutions and rid itself of some of the most dangerous people in the world. Venezuela’s dictator Maduro released them under the conditions of them coming to the United States. That’s right, he threw us the hot potato!

So, it’s no surprise to anyone that those dangerous people are now committing crimes here in America. The criminal gang (Tren de Aragua) comprises a large majority of this element of people. 

This hot potato burns us with murder, rape, theft, kidnappings, and extortion (to name a few of the crimes that we are experiencing).

This is not reported by anyone, except for the amazing reporter Jennie Taer. She reported the true fact that Maduro does not accept his own citizens back into the country. Maduro refuses to accept any repatriation flights into the country. Even if Biden had any integrity and deported these criminals, Maduro will not accept them.

In other words, we are stuck with these criminals! Venezuela refuses to accept these hot potatoes and this administration, like idiots that want to lose the game, hold on tightly.

When hot potatoes land in your hands, they do what hot potatoes do, they burn! If you are to avoid pain and suffering, you get rid of the hot potato as fast as possible and by any means.

Venezuelan hot potatoes are not the only ones falling into our hands. China has the same policy. Yet, we as a country, admit them into our country by the thousands. All these hot potatoes should be kept out of our hands once they hit our hands (borders).

Unlike Venezuela, China is sending only military aged males. I’m certain Venezuela is sending spies, but China undoubtedly is doing it. Once a hot potato hits your hands, and you do not immediately get rid of it, it’s yours for good. You lose!

Maduro does not call the shots anywhere in the Americas, except Venezuela. He sure as heck doesn’t make political decisions in the United States of America, yet he does.

If we had leaders with a spine we would load up as many of these criminal aliens into every passenger plane we could obtain and fly them right into Caracas, Venezuela. Each flight would be accompanied by fighter jets to assure this happens. What is Venezuela going to do about it?

However, no one has a spine, especially from this current administration. You know what else doesn’t have a spine? A potato and we are stuck with it!

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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