How the U.S. government is committing treason and you’re paying for it (Part I).

By Joel Maldonado

When someone commits a crime the next step is to cover up the misdeed. The government is no different. In this case, they want to cover up the money trail, so Americans don’t get outraged when they find they’ve funded this treason!

If you’re like me, on April 15 you paid your overbearing taxes on top of all the taxes you’ve already paid throughout the year.

1) The government takes your tax dollars and gives it to the State Department

2) The State Department funds the United Nations

3) The United Nations further funnels YOUR money to fund Non Government Organizations commonly known as NGOs

4) NGOs use names such as “Border Coalition” “Catholic Charities” and other benign names( make no mistake, they are illegal alien smuggling organizations)

5) NGOs are responsible for the transportation, housing, and furtherance of illegal aliens throughout America ( I call this government sanctioned smuggling organization) Yes you paid for this!

6) NGOs also register these illegal aliens to vote (Felony), pay for their housing (deportable offense), and further their entry into the United States (Felony)

7) Once the illegal aliens reach their destination, still on YOUR dime, they are allowed grants to travel within the U.S. so they can fornicate with other illegal aliens they meet online!

Retired Border Patrol Agent and best-selling author Joel Maldonado had written a book entitled “The Binding Oath; A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect”.

Joel spent nearly 30 years serving us at our southern border and/or teaching Spanish and constitutional law at the border patrol academy. He is so well versed and knowledgeable in our border situation. If you’re looking for a great read and insight into reality, not just what you hear in the news, support Joel and pick up a copy of his book.

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