How the U.S. government is committing treason and you’re paying for it (Part IV)

The Analogy: Imagine you are sleeping peacefully at 2 O’clock in the morning. Everyone you love most in this world is safely sleeping within the confines of your home.

Suddenly someone knocks at your door. Who could it be at this hour? Whether you’re the man of the house, or the mama bear of the house, you go to investigate. You ask, “Who is it?” You may even ask, “What do you want?” The stranger at the other side of the door wants to come in. Only you that answers that knock can decide whether to let that stranger in or not. You decide that you will not risk your family’s safety and do not open the door, in fact you tell the stranger to go away.

Imagine that stranger does not go away and is now coming into your home through a window. Imagine that stranger makes it through your window and is inside your home committing a crime (I’ll let you further imagine the specific crime).

Answer me honestly, what would you do? I know what most home owners would do to protect their family and property, not just in America, but anywhere in the world. The reaction and action taken is immediate and taken very seriously, universally.

If this is the case, anywhere in the world, why are we not taking it seriously at our borders?

At our borders, for this great nation, the door is our ports of entry (bridges, etc). The one answering the door is the federal government (Border Patrol Agents, Customs Officers, etc).

The stranger is the illegal alien, except by the millions. The window represents our border (anything between the ports of entry) I think you’re getting the picture.

Let’s further imagine that the person tasked with answering the knock at the door has no choice but to allow anyone at the door to come in with no exception. If someone crawls through your window would you buy an excuse as to why they came in without asking? In fact, would you just let them stay without question?  Of course you wouldn’t! So why is this currently happening at the border?The brave men and women of the Border Patrol that have answered the door since 1924 are being told to not do their jobs that they have a sworn duty to uphold.

Whenever you see someone coming through a window, the terms have changed; they are no longer knocking they are violating the law. This manufactured crisis should not be happening. These violators should be deportable upon encounter. Instead, we facilitate their entry and show them to our bedroom.

Since they have been allowed in under “protections”, they can defecate on your bed and piss in your corn flakes and there’s nothing you can do about it because they have legal status to be there!

Let us entertain the progressive argument that not allowing them in is “un American”. When would it be American enough to kick them out of your house? When does their behavior become unacceptable? If you truly feared for your life and wanted in someone’s house, wouldn’t you be so grateful that you’d be on your best behavior? Would you kick a cop who’s on the ground trying to effect an arrest?

We know these people lack credible fear! They simply lie because suddenly any excuse is accepted as you illegally enter someone’s home! This is treason my friends and you as the homeowner are paying dearly for it!

To be continued……

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