How the U.S. government is committing treason and you’re paying for it (Part V)

By Joel Maldonado

This will be the final part of this series of articles, although I could go on and on regarding this topic.

This past Friday I was at the Wells Fargo Bank. I was there for a “quick” transaction that couldn’t be done online. Unfortunately, it was not only Friday, it was close to the end of business hours. There was a long line of mostly illegal aliens (trust me, after 28 years in the Border Patrol, I know).

I asked the young man in front of me, “Why are there so many paisanos?” “Paisanos” means countrymen, but it is also understood that it refers to illegal alien countrymen. The young man, later identified as Ivan, told me, “It’s time to send money south!” Ivan went on to explain to me that Wells Fargo is one of the easiest banks for an illegal alien to obtain an account. He gleefully explained that you only have to provide a passport or a consular identification card.

Yes, you read that correctly; you do not need a valid U.S. driver’s license, Social Security card, or any proof of U.S. citizenship to have a bank account at Wells Fargo. Ivan stated that it facilitates the process of sending money south because he used to have to send a MoneyGram. Now he makes a deposit and arranges for a money wire to a foreign bank.

How are you paying for it? Well, that cash in Ivan’s hand is untaxed and he sure as heck didn’t pay into Social Security. Possibly not Ivan, but many millions like him have kids in our public schools, or they have gone to the emergency room at a hospital, or burdened our criminal justice system in one way or another. All these things cost money, which you are paying for because we’ve established that Ivan has not.

However, Ivan’s cash will go south and those untouched funds will boost the economy of Guatemala or any other country that millions of illegal aliens wire to their respective countries. That wealth is generated from American businesses, American producers, and American ingenuity. America, should at the very least receive compensation for the huge tax burden!

Don’t believe me? Mexico’s 2nd biggest contributor to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is money from illegal aliens sending money south from America! It is only 2nd to the petroleum industry. That’s just Mexico, which has an industry, imagine the Central American countries? Big business, big corporations, big financial institutions, such as Wells Fargo, have a lot banking on this (excuse the pun). Greedy politicians from both sides don’t want to fix this problem because I’m certain the aforementioned big institutions give their campaigns a “donation”.

Former President Trump, when confronted as to who was going to pay for the wall, claimed that Mexico was going to pay for it. I disagree only because Mexico and all the other country’s citizens pouring through our border should pay for it and for their tax burden! How you ask? Start taxing banks on all money being wired south. Quite simple solution: why shouldn’t you the taxpayer receive some relief from your enormous tax burden? This money is untouched! If American institutions and our own government are allowing this, I call it treason!

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