Illegal Immigration: The Biblical Argument

statue of virgin mary saint joseph and baby jesus

I don’t intend to preach to any of you. I am certain you are on this site for politics and to learn the truth about immigration issues. However, the open borders crowd and/or progressives are desperately trying to make this a religious issue to a degree of Biblical proportions (you see what I did there?)

They are desperately trying because they are desperate. They want to turn the tide on their very unpopular stance on open borders immigration. What better way than to pull the ole “What would Jesus do?”

Although I’m encouraged that progressives have a new found fondness for Christian values; I am very skeptical! I’m used to being looked down upon by these people rather than being courted. Let’s hear them out, shall we?

Open borders progressives are saying, “Jesus was a refugee!” In fact millions of dollars was spent to run a Super Bowl advertisement stating this fact! The purpose of this advertisement was, not to spread the Gospel of Jesus, rather it was an advertisement to justify the current immigration fiasco!

Not that these progressives care or even know, but they are referring to Matthew 2:13-23.

In this passage, Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt from Bethlehem with the infant Jesus. If any of these open borders advocates would take the time to read the passage they’d discover several inconvenient truths!

Before we proceed with educating these progressives, let us first acknowledge and agree with the one thing they got right: Jesus and his parents were indeed, by all definitions, refugees.

However, if I’m granting you progressives this fact, I’m asking that you be honest and fair with me. If we have a deal, we shall proceed.

First, Jesus was a refugee because he and his family truly were in danger! King Herod desired to kill young Jesus! If you’re standing by this passage and agreeing that Jesus was a refugee, then you agree that he truly had “credible fear”. In fact, Herod ordered a massacre of all male children two years old and younger that lived in Bethlehem.

Quick question to progressives before I move on to my second point, how does fear of economic status count as fearing for your life? How does fear of gangs count? Many of these people that claim this fear are now residing in or enroute to gang infested cities in America. How does your sexual orientation count? These are just some of the “credible fear” claims being accepted by the Biden Administration. My point is that they are a far cry from the credible fear that Jesus and his family faced. Jesus truly was a refugee!

Secondly, if you agree he was a refugee with credible fear, then you’ll agree with me that he was not entering Egypt as an illegal alien because he was fleeing for his life! It’s safe to say he was in exile as a legitimate refugee not an illegal alien or a false asylum claimant.

In other words, he was not migrating for economic reasons. You with me? Jesus’ flight was to preserve life; not to make a better life.

Lastly, Jesus and his family did not violate any immigration laws! During this time, and even 30 years before Jesus was born, Egypt was part of the Roman Empire. In fact, even before the Roman Empire, Egypt was known as a place of refuge for many Jews.

We see this on numerous occasions throughout Biblical times. There is no evidence that Jesus and his family entered illegally. There is also no evidence that Jesus and his family did not ask the authorities for permission to enter.

In Romans 5:13 we are told, “sin is not imputed when there is no law.” Since we are making a Biblical argument, what this means is that God does not count it against you if there is no law to transgress. Jesus and his family did not violate any law, unlike what we are currently seeing at the border.

God absolutely expects us to obey the laws of the land, whether you agree with them or not. Romans 13:1-5 “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.” I seriously doubt that an angel of God told Joseph to violate Egypt’s immigration laws!

I’m going to add a bonus argument for you progressives: Jesus and his family fled to the nearest contiguous country to seek refuge! In other words, the nearest and safest country adjacent to the persecuting country of origin.
Jesus and his family didn’t walk through several countries, so that they could get to a country that was best suited for their needs! Jesus and his family got to the nearest safe place.

I’ve lost you open border progressives, haven’t I? I knew it! You want to make a Biblical argument but not receive a Biblical explanation? Not that you ever believed, but God bless you.

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