Illegal Immigration’s Two-Party Buddy System

roll of american dollars tightened with red band

By Joel Maldonado

Illegal immigration will never be fixed. Not because it can’t be fixed. The illegal immigration lobby has fixed the system, so the issue can never be fixed. The illegal immigration lobby infects both U.S. political parties like an untreated gash to the flesh! It is as untreatable as a gangrene infested limb. Very few elected officials from both sides have the courage to fight for what is right and demand border security.

Wait, how can this be? I can understand one party, but both political parties? As the old saying goes: politics makes for strange bedfellows. Although they have different motives both parties are united by one simple factor….power. Yes, power is an aphrodisiac to slimy politicians that put that driving force over their oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Since all laws are derived from the U.S. Constitution, then laws are ignored. The current manufactured crisis at the border is a perfect example of laws being ignored.
So how does illegal immigration become a power source to both major political powers of the United States?

First, we’ll start with the usual suspects the democrats. Without question the democrats equate illegal immigrants as future voters. The democrats therefore cater and pander to these illegal aliens beyond measure; to hell with the veterans and the average American. During this current manufactured crisis, illegal aliens are not only welcomed, they are enticed to enter by this Biden democrat administration. The CBP One app allows people from all over the world to expedite their illegal entry. What more is there to say? If that doesn’t spell out enticement, I don’t know what does!

The democrats, with the help of Marxists groups that are being funded by the United Nations via U.S. taxpayer money, further facilitate their illegal entry. This is happening inside the United States with the help of leftists Non Government Organizations (NGO). NGOs provide shelter, transportation, and leftist indoctrination. Some NGOs go the extra mile and provide information to register them to vote!

These NGOs also exist outside the United States to facilitate these so-called “migrants” journey to the United States. NGO shelters can be found peppered throughout Latin America as far south as the Darian Gap in the Panamanian jungle. Food, water, shelter, and transportation are provided. Beyond these essentials, they are provided with what to say, what to do, and where to go once they enter the United States.

Make no mistake, this is all strategic and aligned with leftist groups in the United States. The democrats know full well that they are importing future voters that will change the demographics of the United States. This new demographic will allow these democrats to keep a stranglehold on their power and expand it for years to come!

The pandering never stops either. The enticement, recruitment, and indoctrination is just the beginning. Billions of dollars are being spent on welfare, the education system, and the healthcare system just so they can say to these illegal aliens, “Democrats are good; republicans are bad.” It’s a long term game that democrats are banking will keep them in power. Democrats do not have the upper hand on ideas, or what is best for America, so they resort to importing new votes. Democrat ideology does not resonate with the average American, so this is about survival of their power.

As angry as one can get toward these treasonous democrats, one cannot help but to be just as angry toward the other side of the aisle, the hapless republicans. They are pathetically allowing this to happen without much resistance! However, do not excuse them as innocent, ignorant bystanders. They too have a lot of power to preserve.

Many of these republicans are receiving money from lobby groups to boost their campaigns. These lobby groups benefit from illegal alien surges, namely the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Greedy home builders/contractors, large businesses, industries, and big corporations are also in the mix. Don’t believe me? Go to any Home Depot, go to any poultry plant, heck go to any new home being built and you will see hordes of illegal aliens. Don’t you believe for one minute that Americans don’t want to do those jobs! Americans do want to work but not for $7.00 an hour!

The above mentioned greedy lobbyists benefit because they maximize their profits at the expense of the poor migrants that both sides claim to care about. The greedy lobby then share their profits by donating to these spineless politicians. Even a so-called patriot like Greg Abbott that is taking a stand in Texas against the lawlessness of the Biden Administration is tainted with money coming from people like David Weekly (one of his biggest contributors). Don’t know who David Weekly is? Look him up and his association with Colony Ridge, which is a Mecca for illegal aliens.

You think Weekly’s donations don’t come with strings attached? Why else would Abbott endorse a liberal republican like Tony Gonzalez for Texas U.S. House District 23? They are all in bed together, including democrats! Republicans are just too stupid to understand that their greed will get them voted out of office in the not too distant future. This immigration invasion is changing the political, cultural, and economic demographics. They are facilitating their own extinction.

The two parties are buddies with the illegal aliens and their lobbyists. You know who they are not buddies with? You and me, in other words, we the people! We are ignored, despite voting them in to power. A power they are so desperate to keep; they betray the U.S. Constitution that guarantees Americans life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, what do we do with the aforementioned gangrene infested limb? We amputate, and hope to survive as a nation. We hold the axe because (so far) we are the ones that vote. Let’s start chopping off the infestation!

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