Latest CBP Stats Show New Record for Southwest Border Port Encounters

‘CHNV’ and ‘CBP One’ paroles hit one million — but you’ll likely only hear part of the story elsewhere

By Andrew R. Arthur on June 24, 2024

CBP released its Southwest border statistics for May on June 20, and while Border Patrol apprehensions dropped slightly compared to April, inadmissible alien encounters at the border ports approached 53,000 — a new record and a 565 percent increase compared with May 2021. You’ll likely hear about the first part, but not the second. The two stats are connected, because for over a year now the Biden administration has been using various contrivances to hide the number of inadmissible aliens it has been allowing into the country. The bigger news is that more than a million aliens have now received parole under two of those programs, “CHNV Parole” and the “CBP One app interview scheme”.

As a definitional reminder, since March 2020, CBP has been using the term “encounter” to refer to both aliens apprehended by Border Patrol agents between the ports of entry and aliens deemed inadmissible at those ports by CBP officers. This report covers both.

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