Listen to Reason; Not to Treason!

Human ear, body part clipart

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undocumented, undetected, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country.”

This makes sense right? There’s nothing partisan, racist, or divisive about this statement. You know why? It’s because this statement is truthful.

There are millions of people that followed the rules in an effort to be a part of this great nation. They wait for that notification of hope that they too have a chance at the American Dream.

Nobody has a right to pour into this country without documents to be here illegally. If you don’t have documents, you don’t have the right to sneak in undetected or unchecked. Nobody has a right to circumvent the long lines. We learned this in kindergarten that there’s no cutting in line.

We can all agree with this, right? Oh wait….there’s some liberals out there who disagree with this “racist” statement. It has to be a racist statement that came from Trump or one of his “racist” MAGA followers. It must be from a “garbage” Trump follower as Biden recently referred to half the country.

This quote didn’t come from me. It didn’t come from Trump. It came from Barack Obama! Do you still believe it’s a racist statement? Do you disagree with the merits of this statement now?

If you agree with it, after initially being against it, you’re a hypocrite and a partisan hack. If you disagree with this statement from the very beginning, and you are still against it regardless of who said it, then you’re unreasonably stupid. 

If you are practical, reasonable, or simply have a brain, you will realize that the modern day Democrat party doesn’t care about fairness or law and order. The modern day Democrat only cares about winning. No matter the cost or what is fair. The only thing that matters is cheating in order to stay in power.

The modern day Democrat embraces this administration as it commits treason. They ignore the fact that this administration is aiding and abetting the pouring in of people as they go unchecked and undetected. This administration allows people to circumvent lines of people waiting legally for their turn.

I don’t agree with much of what Obama says or what he believes. However, I will acknowledge truthful statements. This statement is truthful in its entirety. Although modern day Democrats revere Obama, they won’t listen to reason because they’re lost in their treason.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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