Mayorkas is, at Best, 40% Truthful

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The Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, is out taking a victory lap claiming that apprehensions are down by 40%.

This is not surprising because Mayorkas has always been this administration’s biggest gaslighter. Some, like myself, would call him an accomplice, but that’s for another article.

I would say that Mayorkas is not even 40% truthful at any time. However, if they want to throw the number 40 around, they should say that there’s at least 40 million illegal aliens in this country.

Mayorkas is 40% truthful because he knows full well that those 40% are waiting for their approval through the CBP One app! Hundreds of thousands are waiting anywhere north of Mexico City and our nation’s southern border for their approval.

Allow me to elaborate on what I mean regarding this deception. Illegal aliens leave their home countries as required by the CBP One app, then they apply for asylum as required by the CBP One app, and then they come and cross illegally upon getting their approval by the CBP One app.

Mayorkas, as the leader of this government sponsored smuggling operation, is successfully controlling the flow of the incessant flow of illegal aliens into this country.

The flow hasn’t stopped! It is now only allowed to flow at 60% at a time, therefore, we get the 40% drop. Of course, what they fail to divulge is that many of those 40% refuse to wait.

Illegal aliens do what illegal aliens do, which is to cross illegally. These illegal aliens are crossing surreptitiously and undetected, commonly called “getaways”.

Illegal aliens reason with, “If you don’t let me in, I will let myself in.” In other words, the old fashioned way.

Either way, my point remains the same, Mayorkas is only telling the truth 40% of the time. There are at least 40 million people in this country illegally to prove it!

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