Microcosm of Decadence

U.S. Border Patrol agents conduct

Just outside of San Antonio, Texas in a once quaint little town of Boerne; we see a microcosm of the United States of America.

Boerne has exploded in population as one of the latest and hippest suburbs of Texas. Of course, with population growth comes the busyness of construction everywhere.

The once beautiful Hill Country landscape has been replaced with homes, shopping centers, and roads that pierce throughout. Nothing is more piercing than the noise of everyday life that contaminates the once peaceful living of a small town.

Contributing to the noise and change of landscape is the incessant influx of illegal aliens that have poured in through Biden’s open borders policy.

The once magnificent Hill Country landscape has become luxurious neighborhoods. However, even those neighborhoods are not immune to loud Spanish music blaring through speakers as illegal alien construction workers illegally work away.

The town of Boerne has apartment complexes filled to the maximum with illegal alien tenants stuffed into rooms. The loud Spanish music blares all hours of the night, especially on weekends. The music is bad enough, but the hooping and hollering of drunken illegal aliens drive families away.

The hospital emergency rooms are filled with illegal aliens. The classrooms at the, once recognized schools, are filling up with illegal aliens’ children. The weekend recreational areas, such as parks and lake are overrun with drunken illegal aliens. You don’t want to get me started on the criminal justice system.

Illegal aliens are so numerous, so needy, and so loud that it overwhelms any type of decent people. It becomes a vicious cycle where decent folk look elsewhere to seek refuge from this now alien nation. However, wherever people escape, there they will be.

Boerne is a microcosm alright! They are not alone when you consider communities throughout the United States. Boerne is a moderate case when you consider suburbs of Chicago and other blue state communities.

Soon there will be no place to run! Biden through his lap dog Mayorkas will succeed in fundamentally transforming this country as we know it. These once quaint communities will be microcosms, not of the United States, but Guatemala City or any other third world cesspool you wish to imagine.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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