Sen. Kamala Harris’s Attempted Sabotage of Immigration Law Enforcement

The bills she wrote or co-sponsored while in Congress lay out an extreme agenda

By George Fishman on September 6, 2024


The legislation that Kamala Harris championed during her four years in the U.S. Senate reveals a disturbingly extreme immigration agenda. Sen. Harris introduced or co-sponsored a wide array of bills designed to negatively impact the ability of DHS to enforce our nation’s immigration laws. While the legislation was not enacted into law, should it reflect what her immigration policies would be like as president, her administration would out-extreme even that of President Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s impeached secretary of Homeland Security.

During the 115th and 116th Congresses, Harris introduced or co-sponsored legislation designed to:

  • Effectively erase the border by halting or impeding border wall construction and curtailing border enforcement;
  • Disable immigration detention by cutting detention beds; ending most mandatory detention; foisting on DHS “alternatives to detention” (or, more accurately, “alternatives to enforcement”); limiting DHS’s ability to detain illegal alien adults and minors claiming to be family units, to transfer detainees, to detain “vulnerable populations”, and to operate a detention system at all and the immigration courts’ ability to function
  • Handcuff DHS law enforcement officers’ ability to perform their jobs by creating sanctuaries at “sensitive locations”, prohibiting enforcement actions, making it impossible for immigration enforcement agencies to function, prohibiting voluntary assistance from state and local law enforcement, and prohibiting referrals for criminal prosecution
  • Gut DHS’s ability to remove illegal and criminal aliensby prohibiting removals, impeding DHS’s ability to remove aliens, and providing taxpayer-funded lawyers to aliens in removal proceedings;
  • Ban or enfeeble effective or promising enforcement initiatives created by the Trump administration, including the Migrant Protection Protocols/Remain in Mexico, Title 42 expulsions, a third-country transit asylum eligibility bar, 212(f) proclamations barring the entry of certain aliens, and sensible immigration and border enforcement priorities;
  • Enable asylum fraud by terminating application time limits, placing obstacles in the way of adverse credibility determinations, putting asylum officers in charge of asylum claims, increasing incentives for asylum fraud, and;
  • Protect alien terrorists.

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