Tag: #BidenBorderInvasion #BidenBorderCrisis #BorderPatrol #BorderSecurity #usbp #cbp #dhs #oldpatrolHQ #ToddBensman

Debate Questions for the Candidates

Immigration warrants more than a passing mention By CIS on September 9, 2024 The presidential debate between Vice President Harris and former President Trump takes place Tuesday evening, with immigration at the forefront of the national discourse. The issue significantly impacts the economy and jobs, national security, public safety, government spending, and more – and numerous polls confirm it […]

The Latest Biden/Harris ‘Lawful Pathways’ Scheme: Declare Latin American Migrants to Be ‘Refugees’

Thousands flying in who would not have qualified as refugees in the past By Todd Bensman on July 30, 2024 Read also: Remaking the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program Almost sight unseen and scarcely noticed by the American public, the Biden/Harris administration’s Department of Homeland Security has super-charged yet another “Lawful Pathways” program to admit tens of thousands of people from […]

Sen. Kamala Harris’s Attempted Sabotage of Immigration Law Enforcement

The bills she wrote or co-sponsored while in Congress lay out an extreme agenda By George Fishman on September 6, 2024 Summary The legislation that Kamala Harris championed during her four years in the U.S. Senate reveals a disturbingly extreme immigration agenda. Sen. Harris introduced or co-sponsored a wide array of bills designed to negatively impact the […]

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