Tag: Border Patrol

Today We Remember: ​US Border Patrol Agent Hector R. Clark

We honor the memory of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Hector R. Clark, born November 16, 1971 and entered on duty August 20, 2001, as a member of the 481st Session of the Border Patrol Academy. End of Watch:                       May 12, 2011 Details:On the morning […]

Today We Remember: US Border Patrol Agent Richard M. Goldstein

We honor the memory of US Border Patrol Agent Richard M. Goldstein, entered on duty on March 25, 2002. End of Watch:  May 11, 2007 Details:On May 11, 2007, Agent Richard M. Goldstein drowned in the Coachella Canal near Niland, California, east of the Salton Sea.  After he went missing, Agent Goldstein’s canine partner was found […]

Today We Remember: Jeferson Davis Milton

ATTENTION ALL PATROLLERS Today we remember Jefferson Davis Milton. Born November 7, 1861 ~ Died May 7,1947. Watch his Great Great Great Grandson, Jack Daniel Milton speak about his Grandad. Today, U.S. Border Patrolmen recognize Jeff Milton as their hero, and he is known as “the first Border Patrolman.” He continued with the agency until […]

Today We Remember: Border Patrol Agent Roberto J. Duran

We honor the memory of United States Border Patrol Agent Roberto J. Duran, Class 361, out of the San Diego Sector, who entered on duty on January 4, 1998. End of Watch: May 6, 2002 Details:Border Patrol Agent Roberto Javier Duran was on detail from the Chula Vista Station to the Casa Grande Station when […]

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