The American Double Standard

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In America we have two standards. One very high and “taxing” standard for the legal residents and citizens. One very lax and look the other way low standard for the illegal alien.

Illegal aliens come into this country without being inspected or admitted by an Immigration Officer. Everyone else, including American citizens must present themselves at a designated port of entry to properly enter or re-enter into the United States.

So, right of the bat, these illegal aliens have shown their disdain for anything legal and conforming. They will seek employment, which is also against existing law. 

They will get paid and they will not pay one cent of taxes or toward Social Security. Every legal resident and American citizen will pay their already overburdened share.

A great portion of these taxes paid by one group of people will be used to pay for the group of people that shouldn’t be here and don’t pay anything. 

The children of illegal aliens will need schooling. They will require bilingual education, teacher’s assistants, and specialized assistance by the primary teacher to assure they don’t fall further behind. The legal students, well, they just fall behind while waiting.

Illegal aliens will get sick or need urgent medical attention while they are here illegally. They will use up Medicaid funds, county emergency funds, or hospitals will “write off” these unpaid medical debts. Hospitals never write off anything, just like illegal aliens never pay anything. The taxpayers will incur the cost.

Illegal aliens will eventually purchase a car. They will not properly register the car, they will not possess a driver’s license, and they will not properly insure the vehicle to be on the roadway. Legal residents and citizens will be required to comply or risk legal fines and other implications.

If a legal resident or citizen works and has small children, they’ll be required to seek childcare. Childcare facilities are costly because their government mandated legal requirements to operate are expensive, yet necessary.

Many illegal alien women operate illegal childcare services out of their small apartments. Their customers are illegal aliens. No sanitary standards, numbers restrictions, or any oversight will ever be required. 

I could go on with example after example of the double standard for the illegal alien. You the legal citizen will pay double for everything, while the illegal alien takes advantage of almost no standards at all.

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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