The Banana Republic Media

Closeup bunch bananas

Does anyone care anymore that we are surrendering our rights and sovereignty? Does anyone notice our slow transition from a Constitutional Republic to a banana republic?

I know some people on the left refuse to believe reports of pets being eaten by illegal aliens. I know some people on the left refuse to believe that ducks on public parks are being killed to be eaten by illegal aliens. Even the elite media is dismissing it as “unconfirmed reports.”

I guess people testifying at city council meetings of their eyewitness accounts are “unconfirmed.” I guess video footage of these acts are “unconfirmed.” We will just take the Springfield, Ohio City Manager’s word for it that it never happened. No further journalistic work is required.

The fact that illegal alien crimes and strange third world comportment is not reported as universally is because it does not fit the left’s narrative. The media is to always be believed and everyone else claiming something (not reported) is a nut job.

Believe me, I want for immigrants to come into this country and work towards being productive members of society. However, mass migration with no vetting leads to these types of problems.

The fact that the so-called journalists refuse to report all or even some of the news, in order to prop up one political faction, reeks of state-run media found in a banana republic.

A second assassination attempt of former President Trump has occurred and many channels refused to break away for just a couple of minutes to break the news.

I assure you that the media didn’t break away because it doesn’t bode well for their side. It wasn’t because they didn’t want to interrupt your Sunday afternoon football game.

So, we have many people that believe it was just a random shooting near the golf course where former President Trump was golfing. I’ve seen people on X and Facebook post about that so-called “fact.”

The real fact that a candidate for a political office is targeted, not once, but twice is something right out of a banana republic! Does anyone care that one side is so desperate to cling on to power that they’d want to kill the leader of the opposition party?

If someone tried to kill anyone on either side of the political aisle, that’s big news! It should concern and appall us all! This doesn’t happen in the United States right? If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, right? I guess it’s unconfirmed! Ignorance is indeed bliss!

I don’t want to believe that horrible things are happening in this country, but they are! I don’t want to hear of any crime happening; much less from illegal aliens. However, if it happens, it should be reported!

If a person running to be the leader of the free world is threatened, I think we need to know about it immediately! We need to know everything about the would be assassin! 

However, I’m assuming we are a free society. I think we accept this dereliction of journalistic duty because we are slowly accepting these traits of a banana republic. 

A free society includes a free press. The press has taken this to mean that they are free to report what they want or omit what they don’t want. This is driving us all bananas!

Writer’s note: If you like this and other articles that I post, you really should do the American thing and follow me on Facebook Joel Maldonado.Author Politics you can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @Maldonation1

However, if you’re really patriotic get a copy of my book The Binding Oath: A Border Patrol Journey and the Mayorkas Effect! A must read!

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