The Constitution and the Invasion

El Paso Border Patrol agents

Rachel Morin was raped and murdered by an illegal alien from El Salvador.

Jovelyn Nungaray a 12 year old girl was murdered by two illegal aliens from Venezuela.

Another 13 year old girl was kidnapped and raped by an illegal alien from Ecuador.

These are just a few recent accounts that we know. Imagine all the incidents we don’t know about or are simply not reported.

These violent crimes are happening on a daily basis with two common denominators: Women/children as victims and illegal aliens are the assailants.

The United States of America through the U.S. Constitution provides every citizen security and safety for their overall general welfare. It provides this through a military and secure border (Article I Section 8).

The U.S. Constitution, under Article IV Section 4, also provides for every state of the union to be protected from invasion. 

So what happens when our nation’s citizens are not safe and secure? What happens when an invasion is not stopped? What happens when the people in charge of upholding the Constitution, are violating it?

In fact, this current administration is not stopping the invasion they are creating it! You don’t believe this is an invasion? Read the first three sentences of this article again!

This administration released all the aforementioned assailants into the country, instead of repelling them as the Constitution requires it. 

The raping, kidnapping, and murdering will continue by illegal aliens. We are not safe or secure. How many rapes and murders are enough before we stop this invasion? 

This administration won’t even acknowledge it is an invasion! They can’t admit anything because it would require them to acknowledge their treason.

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