The Great Enabler Mayorkas’ Playground

Chainlink swings playground

A child will do what a child does, which is to act childish. Oftentimes it’s because the child requires discipline. However, many times, a parent or some adult is behind this comportment as an enabler.

The (so called) adult should be held responsible because he/she should know better. I’m not excusing the child; they deserve discipline as much as the enabling adult.

Alejandro Mayorkas is the great enabler and we have millions upon millions of spoiled illegal aliens running wild doing whatever they wish. Unfortunately, it’s not behavior that is tantamount to a tantrum. It involves murder, kidnappings, and murder!

The so-called adult is looking the other way and dismisses such behavior as isolated incidents. No one receives discipline, no one is removed from the playground, and no one is even getting a time out!

This enabling is not surprising because Mayorkas enabled these spoiled children to come on this play date to begin with, via the CBP One app!

One of my favorite pass times, now that I’m retired from the Border Patrol, is to gather intelligence from illegal aliens. I then turn around and write awesome articles for Border Watch Daily.

Seriously, I don’t have to work hard because these spoiled children are everywhere: the grocery store, bank, job sites, and any recreational venue. 

Millions have come into this country easily by using the CBP One app. Mayorkas brags about this app, and CBP is so proud of it that they trade marked it! 

I am being told that some career climbing “Border Patrol Agent” came up with the idea. That “agent” has not stepped up to take credit, but I’m certain he or she has been promoted by now.

Anyway, an illegal alien told me that he was happy in his native Guatemala. However, illegal alien countrymen told him to get on the app and he would be given safe passage to his “entry” into the United States.

His friends cautioned him, “You will first have to leave Guatemala and travel just north of Mexico City.” The illegal alien told me that the CBP One app can track your location. 

The only way a claim can be accepted by the app is if you leave your country of origin and are north of Mexico City. Do you see the enabling? 

This young man I talked to was happy in his native Guatemala. Since safe passage is guaranteed, only if you leave your home, who wouldn’t take this offer?

It is time to clear out the playground of all these children acting like fools! Let us begin with clearing out all the enablers that have caused this mess.

Every child must be given parameters that shape behavior. Those parameters are called rules. The rules that exist in this playground are laws. Laws derived from the U.S. Constitution!

In order for rules to work, a child must not only abide, but someone of authority must enforce them! If you don’t enforce, you by definition, are enabling!

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