This Country is Literally Going to the Dogs

Brown dog playing grass field

I have dear friends that live in a border town. They own and operate a top notch dog kennel business. Their care and knowledge of dogs is second to none.

I was recently told by them that 3 different Border Patrol Agents representing the agency stopped by their place of business because they were looking for kennel space.

They were not looking for kennel space for their personally owned dogs, or for agency dogs, they were looking for space for dogs that belonged to illegal aliens. Apparently this is becoming problematic.

Illegal aliens do whatever they want in this country, so why not bring a dog? If you think there’s nothing wrong with this, go to Mexico with your dog and come back into this country through the bridge with a dog in tow.

You will have to provide a vaccination record and provide 8 other documents/requirements! It’s a labor intensive process, but it’s worth it to have Bingo’s company, right?

If you’re an illegal alien, you don’t have to provide any of the long list of documents/requirements. Just come on in! We will not only pay for the illegal alien’s fare to their intended destination, we will also kennel and care for their dogs.

My friends, who run the kennel business, declined space to the Border Patrol because they cannot risk having their regular paying customer’s dogs getting sick by an illegal alien’s unvaccinated dog.

My friends have many Border Patrol agents that are regular customers, so Border Patrol agents’ pets are welcome. The agency and the illegal alien owned dogs they want to bring are not welcome.

Why would they be welcome? The USDA agents at the bridge wouldn’t allow a U.S. citizen to bring in an unvaccinated pet, so why is it okay for illegal aliens?

Again, this is a two tiered legal system in which illegal aliens get away with all types of crimes and law violations, yet American citizens get the book thrown at them.

Another concern of kennel owners is what happens if the illegal alien gets to his destination and never returns for the dog? Who pays for it? Who is going to take care of the dog?

When I was an agent in Uvalde, I witnessed this firsthand. An illegal alien from Venezuela had a poodle. She got her walking papers, and we never saw her again. I believe we ended up getting a dog shelter to finally take it off our hands.

Remember, these illegal aliens that get released, will never be seen or heard from again. At least until they commit a crime. So, if illegal aliens disappear into the shadows, we are stuck with Bingo. By we, I mean the taxpayers!

I am being told that a huge dog kennel was built in Eagle Pass at taxpayer’s expense, of course. However, I am told it is at full capacity! Hence, agents are going around looking for kennels that will take the overflow.

The constructed kennels in Eagle Pass were probably expensive to build.The food, medicine, and vaccines to bring dogs to a current status cannot be cheap either.

Who takes care of these dogs? Agents that should be securing the border? Maybe a government contracted employee? Either way, that’s money.

Next time you wonder where your tax money has gone, a good chunk has gone to the dogs!

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