Today We Remember: Border Patrol Agent Roberto J. Duran

We honor the memory of United States Border Patrol Agent Roberto J. Duran, Class 361, out of the San Diego Sector, who entered on duty on January 4, 1998.

End of Watch: May 6, 2002

Border Patrol Agent Roberto Javier Duran was on detail from the Chula Vista Station to the Casa Grande Station when he was ejected from his vehicle in a vehicle rollover accident on Monday, May 6, 2002. He had worked the midnight shift and was returning to the station. Agents from the Casa Grande Station rendered emergency medical assistance and provided comfort to Agent Duran, but he died at the scene.

Agent Duran was born in Anthony, New Mexico. He served in the United States Navy from 1986 to 1997. He was a graduate of the 361st session of the U.S. Border Patrol Academy in Charleston, South Carolina.

He will never be forgotten. Honor First, Honor Always.

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