Today We Remember: Jeferson Davis Milton


Today we remember Jefferson Davis Milton. Born November 7, 1861 ~ Died May 7,1947. Watch his Great Great Great Grandson, Jack Daniel Milton speak about his Grandad.

Today, U.S. Border Patrolmen recognize Jeff Milton as their hero, and he is known as “the first Border Patrolman.” He continued with the agency until he was 72-years-old, when he was forced to retire due to federal job cuts of the Great Depression. Milton did marry in 1919 to Mildred Taitt of New York, but never really settled down to a “stay-at-home” married life-style. Dying at home at the age of 86, Jeff Milton lived a long and productive life. After his body was cremated, his ashes, without any traditional religious service, were scattered over his beloved Arizona desert.

He never wore the badge or the uniform, but he is considered the Forefather of the modern day linewatch agent. And soon, he will be making Border Patrol Histroy again at the Centennial Gala.


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