Will DHS/CBP social media affect the presidential elections?

By Old Patrol HQ

With virtually unlimited resources, funded by the American taxpayer themselves, DHS/CBP post hourly that our US Immigration laws have not changed, and that it is against the law to cross the border between ports of entry.

We have seen with our own eyes, untold millions of unvetted, special interest and Chinese illegal aliens, using fraudulent asylum claims, be released by the millions into the country. Not counting the gotaways, that no one, not even DHS knows exactly how many there are, since over 80% of our borders are left unmanned and unsecured at any given time due to the manpower needed to process and release thousands of illegals into our country daily.

Based on the social media propaganda machine from our own government, the borders are closed and America is more secure now than it’s ever been. You can bet your life on it.

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